Maintenance Management & Optimization
Effective maintenance management and optimization for municipal and private organizations.
Maintenance management is a complex business process that must effectively leverage technical, operational, and economic factors for success. Many organizations lack clear role definition for their maintenance staff, measurable ways to assess program impact, and level of service indicators. These gaps often lead to inefficient maintenance practices and loss of revenue for an organization.
At GM BluePlan, our maintenance management and optimization services are designed to help organizations solve these challenges. We recognize that a maintenance management system should first provide value to the main contributors of this system — the operators, maintainers, and planners.
Our team understands that engaging these ‘boots on the ground’ users is essential to success; a significant portion of our team have worked for utilities, municipal operators, or engineering departments. They understand the common challenges facing these organizations.
We recognize that failure to provide value to these users has an impact on the quality of information available for other stakeholders and can create significant obstacles in an organization’s ability to achieve effective decision-making around asset management. Proper maintenance management and optimization is key to overcoming these types of obstacles.
Maintenance Management Systems
Maintenance management systems bring focus and efficiency to maintenance planning for an organization. Unfortunately, the process of selecting a management system can be difficult, given the number of software applications available on the market.
At GM BluePlan, we offer assistance in navigating a wide range of commercial software options, in order to help your organization select a maintenance management solution that will work in your operational environment. Our team offers a broad, unbiased, and independent perspective on major software applications and their various pros and cons.
We are not aligned with any commercial software providers. As a result, we are well-positioned to provide objective advice for organizations on legacy systems with cosmetic enhancements and new, best-in-class systems that leverage cutting-edge mobile and geospatial technology.
Maintenance Optimization & System Implementation
A maintenance management system does not promote effective planning and preventive maintenance regimes by itself. To work properly, your system needs to be correctly implemented within your organization and may require additional optimization.
The successful implementation of a maintenance management system should focus on effectively managing an infrastructure portfolio with the least possible cost and risk for a predetermined level of service.
Our team has extensive experience with the implementation and optimization of maintenance management systems. We provide a candid and factual review of existing maintenance practices, relative to your organizational goals, and conduct optimization of existing maintenance practices by asset, department, craft, and more.