Waste Management & Landfills
Waste management strategies to reduce costs and extend landfill life.
Landfill waste management is a major responsibility for modern municipalities. Today’s municipalities are faced with the challenge of not only managing waste in an environmentally-responsible manner, but also finding ways to reduce costs and extend the life of existing landfills.
At GM BluePlan, we offer over 40 years of experience in the construction, operation, and management of landfill sites. Our team understands the compliance requirements for waste management in Ontario and can provide detailed hydrogeologic characterizations of landfill sites, alongside other complementary environmental services.
Our waste management plans can help you understand the baseline costs of your waste management system and provide you with a detailed cost-benefit analysis with recommendations for optimization. We also offer monitoring and reporting for landfill sites to help reduce the time required to navigate compliance.
Waste Management Plans
At GM BluePlan, we provide detailed waste management plans and recycling strategies to assist with the construction, operation, and management of landfill sites.
Our waste management plans are designed to help with long-term planning and asset management for municipal authorities. They have also been shown to improve due diligence, help secure funding opportunities, and provide better management and cost savings.
Our plans evaluate a number of aspects of your waste management system, including waste recovery and diversion methods, overall site life, and efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover.
Monitoring & Reporting for Landfills
Landfill sites in Ontario require annual monitoring and sampling reports for groundwater, surface water, and gas. These reports are necessary to maintain environmental compliance, as regulated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Improper monitoring and reporting can cause your site to incur additional costs, as a result of more stringent compliance requirement. If there is a risk that the Ministry will lose confidence in your monitoring or reporting data, it is important to take steps to improve compliance.
At GM BluePlan, our team has developed streamlined monitoring strategies that can help you gather data quickly and efficiently. We can deliver practical and effective sampling programs that will help you achieve your required goals and reduce the time required to navigate compliance.
Our monitoring and reporting services can also be used to provide regulatory support after inspections, assist with changes in development planning, or support landfill sites that are expanding into new phases of development.