Stormwater Management

Stormwater management plans for municipal infrastructure and land development.

The impact of climate change, and the need to protect the water quality of our communities’ natural water sources, has resulted in stormwater management becoming a vital part of municipal infrastructure programs and an important criteria for land development projects.

GM BluePlan has experience providing preliminary and detailed engineering design services for minor and major stormwater management systems and low impact development (LID) projects.

We have in-depth experience with the Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide (CVC and TRCA, 2010) and can provide design services for various LID structures, including bioretention and infiltration systems, permeable pavements, and more.

Our team can also provide design services for more traditional end-of-pipe systems. These services can include both quantity and quality control for projects of various size and scope.

Expertise & Experience in Stormwater Management

GM BluePlan is an industry-leading consultant in the field of Stormwater Management. Our team of experts provide stormwater management design and support to various public and private sector clients across Southwestern Ontario, including:

  • Stormwater Management Ponds: Our team has designed and overseen the construction of over 50 stormwater management ponds across Ontario, as part of subdivision developments that are now municipally owned and operated.
  • Site Plan Approval: Our team has provided stormwater management design in support of Site Plan Approval for hundreds of private developments
  • Existing Stormwater Facilities: Our team can provide services for the review and assessment of existing stormwater management facilities across Canada.

Stormwater Management Services

At GM BluePlan, we provide a wide range of stormwater management services, including:

  • Environmental Compliance Approval Applications
  • Floodplain Mapping
  • Hydraulic Modelling
  • Hydrologic Modelling
  • Low Impact Development (LID) Design
  • Municipal Drains
  • Salt Management Plans
  • Stormwater Management Design (Quantity and Quality Control Features)
  • Stormwater Management Reports
  • Water Balance Calculations