Low Impact Development (LID)
Reduce the impact of your development on local waterways.
Land developments can have a significant impact on nearby waterways. Urban areas will have fewer plants, trees, and soil to naturally absorb stormwater runoff, which can cause the natural flow of stormwater to disrupt the healthy functioning of local ecosystems in adjacent lakes, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines.
Low Impact Development (LID) Design and Green Infrastructure is an innovative set of practices used to mitigate damage caused to waterways by development projects. These design techniques aim to slow down, absorb, and clean stormwater runoff in urban areas, such as roadways, parks, and neighbourhoods.
At GM BluePlan, we understand that changing regulations and a growing desire for environmentally sustainable infrastructure have made it important for municipalities to consider LID design strategies. Our team is uniquely positioned to offer both industry-leading LID design services and a sustainable, full life cycle approach to infrastructure maintenance.
Our Expertise in LID Design
At GM BluePlan, our team has extensive experience with Low Impact Development (LID) in Ontario. Our vision is to provide services that will benefit the public, social, and natural environment — and designing sustainable developments with a minimum impact on the environment is necessary to achieve across the board benefits.
Our team is fully-versed in the requirements and best management practices for LID design, including the Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide (CVC and TRCA, 2010). We provide design services for a wide range of LID features.
We design plans to help municipalities and developers meet infiltration targets and focus on lot-level management strategies, as opposed to end-of-pipe systems.
Low Impact Development Feasibility | Design Features
Our team begins work on a Low Impact Development (LID) project by reviewing the feasibility of LID design and assessing factors like soil type, groundwater level, type of facility, environmental sensitivity, and space availability.
Factors like environmental sensitivity may require additional facilities to treat stormwater before it goes into LID features. It is important to include these considerations at an early stage of the project.
Our team can provide a wide range of Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure solutions for your project, including:
- Bioretention systems and facilities
- Enhance infiltration structures
- Filter strips
- Infiltration galleries
- Oil and grit separators
- Perforated pipe systems for infiltration
- Permeable pavement/concrete
- Rain gardens
- And more
We have extensive experience working with a wide range of stakeholders on projects, including municipalities, developers, associations, and agencies. We understand how to balance priorities to ensure that your Low Impact Development project is a success.